Dog Activity Park

Alfoxton Dog Centre was established in 1993 and it has grown a lot since then!

The Alfoxton facilities include

  • an all-weather training arena
  • an activity field
  • a Dock Dogs dam
  • large off-street parking area
  • handicapped accessible toilets

Training arena

Most group classes are held on the all-weather training arena, which has ample lighting for evening classes all year round. There is also a variety of equipment for dogs of all sizes to try, which we change around regularly.

The safety of the dogs is always our top priority, so we have designed special activities even for the youngest pups.

Activity field

We run some classes and workshops in our activity field, which contains different agility equipment. Even dogs who participate regularly in classes and workshops always have new things to do here!

Dock Dogs Dam

Many of our workshops end up down at the Dock Dogs dam so that dogs can have some free play time.

Dogs of all ages love to race around in the paddock, go for a swim, and have a go at jumping from one of the three docks set up on the dam.

Time here can also be reserved for private Dock Diving training and group activities. Contact Anne for more information.